Even voor het overzicht, mijn 3 filmpjes van Level 3 inclusief beoordeling. Leek me nuttig om te delen. Misschien helpt het anderen om te zien wat de criteria ongeveer zijn en hoe 'goed' iets moet gaan voor een bepaalde beoordeling.
Carol Coppinger:
Thank you very much for submitting your Audition! It was a pleasure
watching it!! You passed your liberty at Level 3++!!!
You had lots of level 4 skills and you even had some level 5 skills!!(:>
It is obvious you are having great success in your journey.
Everything looked really good. To proceed on to a solid Level 4 you will
want to make sure the horse has his responsibilities of maintaining gait and
direction. So at Liberty you would want to use the round corral and make
sure your circle game is on track. You are looking for 6 to 8 good laps
with you maintaining your responsibilities of allowing. It may take 30 laps
to start getting those few laps solid and with a positive response. You
want your horse starting to arc and really looking in. For your level 4
Liberty Audition you would want to start in the round pen show your horses
responsibilities and play those 7 games and the move out into a larger area.
Carol Coppinger:
WOW!!!! We loved your Audition!!!! It was a lot of fun to watch and you could see that you, your
horse, and the other horses in the pasture were having a great time!!!!! Well done!!!! Keep
progressing through the self assessments and patterns, and we can't wait to see your Level 4!!!!!
Scorelijst *klik*
Hillary Rose
Very nice Eveline! Loved your focus and the variety in your patterns. As you progress, think about
smooth transitions and snappy departures, and to refine your cues, support your porcupine game
with driving with the stick.
Scorelijst *klik*
Helaas van Liberty geen scorelijst. Deden ze toen nog niet aan geloof ik.